Are you going through a patch of eating problems? Do you not feel like eating much? If yes, then, don’t take this situation lightly as it could be anorexia you are developing. Observe for the below signs and you will know if its anorexia or not.
1. Sudden weight loss
If you have a tendency to loose weight on small stress issues then the sudden weight loss is okay, but if not and all of a sudden you have lost too much of weight, you could be developing anorexia.
2. Obsession about appearance
Obsession about how you look and acting accordingly is also a sign of anorexia. You develop food habits based on calories and fat it contains so you do not put on weight. If this is against your basic nature, then you should consult a doctor for anorexia.
3. Social outings are reduced
If you have started declining invitations for social gatherings and parties which involve indulgence of food and drink, it could be a sign you are tending towards anorexia. You may also cut down your dinner outings with friends and family.
4. Cook for others
Anorexic people develop a habit to cook for others. They collect recipes from sources and cook meals for others but do not eat themselves.
5. A state of denial
Anorexic people refuse to eat or come up with excuses not to eat even if it has been long since their last meal. They lie about their weight and food patters to avoid any discussion on the matter.
6. Extra effort
In the effort to look good and a continuous obsession to loose weight, anorexic people put in a lot of extra weight. They follow a strict exercise regime. In fact many of them over exercise and do not like any disturbance in their routine.
7. Resort to drugs (Pills)
In order to loose weight at a quick pace anorexic people start taking diet pills and laxatives. Regularly taking these drugs can cause dependency on them which is harmful. These artificial means are effective but harmful as they lead to less absorption of calories.
8. Health hazards
Many minor and major health hazards may develop due to anorexia. Most common ones are weakness and laziness. Dizziness. Low blood pressure and menstrual problems may also be experienced. Diseases related to liver, kidney and heart may also occur, but these can be diagnosed only by visiting a medical practitioner. Bone Loss is another likely disease.
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