This wedding dress will stun you.
Because it is made out of 11 toilet paper rolls. Can you believe it?
Olivia Mears, a super talented designer who goes by the name Avant-Geek,
has created this wonderful dress. Have a look at the photos below. She
has just used glue, paper and tape. This dress was made for a contest at

Our body releases stress hormones when we are facing a potentially dangerous situation. For example, when a person chases you with a knife, your automatic instinct will be to run. Stress hormones give you an energy boost and you find yourself running faster than you ever thought you could, until the danger passes. These stress hormones are supposed to be used only during emergencies. But the present world is such that you cannot get through a day without biting your nails off. Stress is present everywhere, be it family, job, school or college. The need to deal with stress has become as common as the common cold. A little stress is good but when we begin to get stressed at every petty thing, we know it is time to take precautions. Here are a few points on how you can play the game calmly even when you have to face the worst of situations. Here’s how to get rid of stress while facing major problems. 1. Taking regular intervals Working continuously can be very stressful. Taking sh...
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