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10 Foods That Reduce Stress

10 Foods That Reduce Stress
Who wouldn’t like to get rid of stress? But the only problem is that it is easier said than done. There are whole lot of self help books and CDs available in the market and hardly a day goes by without seeing an ad in the TV or on the Internet of a Godman or an enlightened speaker promising to help you get rid of stress once and for all but they hardly seem to work. So how exactly can stress be reduced? Well, for starters, watch your diet and include the following food items in it. Check out this list of foods that reduce stress.

1. Spinach

If you don’t turn into a superhero, at least you will turn into a genius as spinach contains folic acid and other antioxidants. But apart from these, it is also a great stress buster as it provides a good dose of magnesium which can prevent fatigue and migraine.

2. Nuts

While almonds are rich in vitamin B and E which strengthen your immune system, others like walnuts help fight blood pressure. Almonds also contain magnesium and zinc which help in relieving stress.

3. Fish

There is no end to the variety of fishes found on earth and even more diverse are the vitamins and minerals found in them. They contain Omega-3 fatty acids which are powerful antioxidants and they also pack in a good amount of B12 which synthesizes serotonin giving you a feeling of happiness.

4. Garlic

Apart from being a storehouse of antioxidants, garlic also has antibacterial and antifungal properties which help in balancing blood sugar and aiding detoxification, thus playing a great role in reducing stress.

5. Berries

While blueberries have a host of phytochemicals and antioxidants that result in a healthy brain, raspberries contain ellagic acid which is responsible for regulating cholesterol levels in the body and flushing out the toxins from the body.

6. Milk

You must already be aware of the fact that milk is a rich source of Calcium and vitamin D which are necessary to ensure healthy bones. What you may not know is that milk can also help in relieving stress as it contains a host of other vitamins especially vitamins B2 and B12 and is also a powerhouse of antioxidants.

7. Chocolate

Good news for chocolate lovers all over the world! Chocolate, especially dark chocolate, does more good than harm to your body and hence may be consumed regularly, though in moderation. Chocolate releases the so called ‘happy chemicals’ beta endorphin in the brain thus, reducing stress. Besides, it is a great source of energy without having the agitating impact of caffeine.

8. Licorice

Apart from its known digestive properties, licorice also helps in fighting stress by maintaining a healthy level of cortisol in the body, thus keeping stress to a minimum.

9. Avocados

Avocados have high amounts of potassium which prevent high blood pressure. Hence they can be an effective weapon in fighting stress.

10. Cereals

Corn flakes and other breakfast cereals are available in the market which are fortified with various vitamins and minerals like folic acid which reduce stress. Besides, due to their sleep inducing capacity, they can be consumed before bed time as well.


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